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Fine pita belt design Thousand Rings

$ 6,790.00

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  • Visa
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  • 7-Eleven

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Fine pita belt design Thousand Rings

Piteado belt in first-class cowhide, leather lining, fine pita, thousand-ring design, wine-colored leather. It comes with a stainless steel horseshoe buckle.

Width 2 inches (5 cm)

These belts are embroidered by hand by hand, the pita is thread based on maguey fiber giving it a special treatment that ends up being called pita, there are several styles of pita, natural, regular, fine, etc.

It is recommended to choose 2 sizes more than what you normally wear in pants. Example you are size 34 pants, it is recommended to select size 38.

Extra sizes 44 and up are considered special work.

We also supply wholesale.
Cell phone and whatsapp: 4423659256
Outside Mexico: 0052 4423659256

Cinto en pita fina diseño Mil Cruces (negro) - - Bodega Tienda Charra

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